How to Stop My Spouse from Spying on My Honor 90 | Dr.fone

How to Stop My Spouse from Spying on My Honor 90 | Dr.fone

Abel Lv11

How to Stop My Spouse from Spying on My Honor 90

You may trust your spouse – but does your spouse trust you?

If you suspect you have a spying husband or a spying wife, it’s very likely that they don’t. You may have something to hide or you may have nothing to hide, but either way, knowing that you’re being spied on feels like a terrible invasion of your privacy.

With GPS and advanced tracking tools, your whereabouts can be easily located all the time. With advanced technology and features, spying on your phone has become easier than ever before. So, if you are also doubting that your spouse is spying on your phone, you are reading on the right page.

In the following parts of this writeup, you can learn how to know if someone is spying on your cell phone, how to stop someone from mirroring your phone, and many other related concerns.

Part 1: How can I tell if my husband or wife is spying on my Honor 90?

If you are suspecting that your phone is being hacked, several signs will indicate the same. So, if you too are looking for ways how to know if someone is spying on cell phones, check the below-listed signs.

1. Your phone feels sluggish

If you feel that your phone is running slow than usual then it might be hacked as spyware tools that are downloaded are resource-draining and thus makes the Honor 90 device sluggish.

spying on phones

2. The battery is draining too fast

Though battery drain can alone not be a sign of the phone being hacked as with time the life of the battery starts decreasing. Still, it can be one of the signs as the hacking apps and tools are resource-draining which in turn decreases the battery life.

3. High data usage

Since the spyware sends a lot of the Honor 90 device information to the hacker using the internet connection, the phone will experience high usage of data.

4. Monitoring your mail, email, phone calls, and/or text messages

When your emails, phone calls, and text messages are being checked or tracked that means your phone is being hacked.

5. Monitoring your use of social media (such as Facebook)

If your social media accounts like Facebook and others are kept an eye on it means that you are being watched and your phone is being hacked. Tracking you or your vehicle using GPS

hack without touching by social media

6. Tracking you or your vehicle using GPS

To know about your whereabouts the Honor 90 device’s GPS and the vehicle movement are being tracked. If this is happening with you then it means that you are being spied on.

Part 2: What can be used when your phone is tracked?

Also, there are several ways by which your phone can be hacked. Listed below are the most common ones.

1. Pre-existing apps and services

One of the easiest and pocket-friendly ways of hacking the Honor 90 device is by using the apps that are pre-installed on the phone. Minor changes in the settings of these apps can be made to manipulate them for your spouse who wants to hack your phone. Some of these apps and how they can be used for hacking are as below.

Google Chrome: Changing the logged-in account from yours to his/her will help the hacking spouse to get all the information from the browser like passwords, details of the cards, websites browsed, and more.

  • Google Maps or Find My iPhone: When the location sharing option is turned on the victim device, the hacking spouse can track the location easily.
  • Google account or iCloud data: If your spouse knows the password of your iCloud or Google account, they will easily have access to all the data that is backed up on iCloud. Further, the data can also be used for cloning your device and getting access to personal information.

2. Tracking apps

These are the legitimate apps that can be downloaded from the App store on your phone. Though these tracking apps are mainly used by parents for monitoring their children, a lot of spouses use them for tracking and spying on their partners as well.

3. Spyware

remove spyware

This is one of the most widely used methods where the software or an app is installed on the Honor 90 device to retrieve the Honor 90 device data. The victim partner is unaware of any such apps installed on their device and the data is sent to the hacking partner. A wide range of these spyware tools is available in the market in different price brackets. These spyware apps can retrieve data like chats, call details, messages, browsing history, passwords, and much more.

Part 3: How should I respond when I learn my spouse is spying on me?

So, now when you are sure that you are being spied on by your partner, what is the next thing to do? Depending on how you want to deal with the situation your response and its related actions will depend.

Response 1: Reassure your partner and gain the trust

Firstly, if you know that you are not doing anything wrong or want to prove your worth, let your spouse keep tracking you. In the end, when your spouse will not find anything suspicious about your activities and your location, he/she will know that you are right. Moreover, you can even install a GPS on your phone that you’re so that your spouse is aware of your whereabouts all the time, and when nothing suspicious will be found out he will stop spying on you.

Response 2: Stop your spouse from spying on you by actionable methods

Another response here is to stop your spouse from spying on you. No matter whether you are into something suspicious or not, why let anyone, even if be it your spouse as well, spy on you? So, if you want to stop your spouse from spying on your, take the help of the below-listed methods.

Method 1: Set up and change all your passwords

The most common way of spying is by getting access to your accounts and social media sites. So, to stop your spouse from spying on your change all your passwords so that even if your spouse had the earlier passwords, he will now not be able to have access using them. Also, set up passwords on your special media accounts and related activities. Putting a screen lock on your device will also prevent your spouse from getting access to your phone.

Method 2: Fake a location to anti-spy from your spouse

Another way is to anti-spy from your spouse which means that let him spy on you but he/she will get the wrong information about your location and activities. For anti-spying, take the help of the below methods.

  1. VPNs

By changing the VPN of your device, you can set a false location and your spouse will be tricked and will be forced to believe that you are somewhere else than your actual location. To change Virtual Private Network (VPN) there are different services available and some of the most popularly used ones are Express VPN, IPVanish, SurfShark, NordVPN, and others.

stop spouse from spying on you by vpns

  1. A Reliable location changer, Dr.Fone - Virtual Location

Another interesting way to trick your spouse and set a fake location for your device is by using a professional tool called Dr. Fone-Virtual Location. This excellent software works with all the latest models and OS of Android and iOS devices and lets you set any fake location of your choice, which will not be detected by anyone else. Simple to use, the tool will let you teleport anywhere in the world.

Key features of Dr.Fone - Virtual Location

  • Works with all the latest Android and iOS devices including iPhone 13.
  • Compatible with all latest iOS and Android OS versions.
  • Allows you to teleport your device anywhere in the world.
  • Simulated GPS movement.
  • Works with all location-based apps like Snapchat , Pokemon Go , Instagram , Facebook , and more.
  • Simple and quick process of changing the location.

You can check out this video for further instruction.

Safe downloadsafe & secure

Steps to change device location using Dr. Fone-Virtual Location

Step 1. Download, install and launch the software on your system. From the main interface choose the “Virtual Location” tab.

home page

Step 2. Connect your Android or iOS phone to your system and then after it’s successfully connected, click on Next at the software interface.

connect phone with virtual location

Step 3. The actual location of your device will now appear in the new window. If the location is not correct, you can tap on the “Center On” icon present in the lower right to display your correct location.

virtual location map interface

Step 4. Now, click on the “teleport mode” icon present on the upper-right side. At the upper-left field enter the desired location where you wish to teleport to and then click on the Go button.

search a location on virtual location and go

Step 5. Next, click on the “Move Here” option at the pop-up box and your device location will be successfully set to the one you selected.

move here on virtual location

Method 3: Take advantage of anti-spyware software

Another way to stop your spouse from spying on you is by using anti-spy software. Just like spy software sends your location and other information to the hacking spouse, an anti-spyware tool will prevent tracking your device and will prevent from sharing your device information like calls, messages, and others. There are several anti-spyware tools for Android and iOS available in the market and some of the popular ones are Mobile Security & Anti-Theft Protection, iAmNotified, Avira Mobile Security, Cell Spy Catcher, Lookout, and more.

Response 3: Seek a Divorce

Spying on your spouse is not only illegal but also unethical. So, if you feel that your trust has been shattered by your spouse by keeping an eye on your phone and your activities and staying with him/her does not seem to be possible, seek a divorce. It’s better to come out of a relationship, instead of staying the one where there is no trust or respect.

Part 4: Hot FAQs on spying

No, it is not legal to spy on a spouse in Maryland. Violating the Maryland Wiretap Act and Maryland Stored Wire Act will lead to criminal penalties. As per the law, any person, be it your spouse cannot record your calls without your consent, guess the password to have access to any account, or keep a check on any personal activities. These are considered illegal.

Q 2: Can someone spy on my Honor 90 through linked contacts?

No, your phone cannot be spied on using any common or linked contacts.

Q 3: Can someone spy on my Honor 90 without touching it?

Yes, your phone can be spied on without anyone touching it or having access to it. There are several advanced spyware tools available that can let a person have access to all your phone information like messages, calls, emails, and more. In a few quick steps, a hacker can use his/her phone to enable the spying process of your device.

Wrap it Up

The technological advancements may have brought a lot of convenience to the users but on the flip side there is a dark side to it as well and one of these is spying tools. So, if you too have been doubting that your spouse is keeping an eye on your phone and whereabouts, the above content will surely help you.

Does Airplane Mode Turn off GPS Location On Honor 90?

Airplane mode is a feature available on all smartphones and other electronic devices that stops the signal transmissions from the Honor 90 devices. Also known as flight or airplane mode, this feature will disconnect the wireless functions, including cellular connection, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

airplane mode

The feature’s name says that it was introduced to cut off any radio transmission during the flight to avoid any communication interference. However, the feature must be enabled while taking a flight, and if you need to be disconnected from the signals, you can even use the feature outside the plane.

If you have enabled airplane mode on your Honor 90 or Android device and think it will also block your GPS location, you are wrong. Know why airplane mode does not turn off GPS location and other ways to avoid getting tracked with or without Airplane Mode.

Part 1: Does Airplane Mode Turn off location?

As we mentioned above, while you put your phone on airplane mode, the cellular radio, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth is disabled, but not the GPS location.

The GPS works on a different technology where the signals are received from the satellite and are not dependent on the network or cellular services. So, when the airplane mode is enabled, the GPS location is not turned off.

Part 2: Can Your Location Be tailed on Airplane Mode?

Yes, if you have not disabled the GPS feature, your location can be tailed on an Airplane mode as the flight mode only disables the cellular connection and Wi-Fi. So, it can be concluded that Airplane Mode is no solution for stopping the GPS tracking on your phone, though there are other workarounds available for this.

Part 3: How to Prevent Phones from Being Tailed?

The GPS feature of your phone, besides assisting you, is also a way any person or third-party app can keep track, which can hamper your privacy and be annoying. So, for privacy or any other reason, if you are looking for ways to prevent your phones from being tailed, check out the solutions for iDevices and Android below.

3.1. How to stop GPS tracking on Honor 90s?

To hide the location on your Honor 90 and iPad, below listed are the steps.

Step 1. Open the Control Center on your iDevice, iPhone 13 for example. (For iPhone X and above models, swipe down from the top-right, while on other devices, swipe from the bottom of the screen)

switch off gps on idevices

Step 2. Enable the Airplane Mode or turn off the Wi-Fi and Cellular icon.

Step 3. Next, you need to disable the GPS radio. On some of the Honor 90 devices, there is a separate setting for this. Go to Settings > Privacy> Location Services. The list of the apps using the location services will appear. Move the toggle at the Location Services to turn it off.

switch off gps on idevices

3.2. How to stop GPS tracking on Android Devices?

The process to turn off GPS location on Android devices may vary from device to device and brand to brand. Still, the commonly used steps for turning off the location are listed below.

Step 1. On your Honor 90, swipe down on your screen to open the options list.

switch off gps on android devices

Step 2. Search for the Airplane icon and click on it to turn on the Airplane Mode.

Step 3. Next, open the App Drawer and then choose Settings > Location. Turn off the Location.

drfone virtual location switch off gps on android devices

Part 4: Spoof Location to prevent GPS Tracing without Turning on Airplane Mode

If you are looking for a method that can prevent GPS tracking without turning on Airplane Mode, spoofing your location is a workable solution. To get this task done, you would need a specialized app or a tool, and here we recommend Dr.Fone - Virtual Location as the best option.

Using this excellent tool, you can set any fake location across the globe for your Android or iOS device, which will prevent you from being hacked. The tool works on almost all models and brands of devices and is quick and hassle-free.

Key features of Dr.Fone Virtual Location

  • Teleport to any location of your choice and set a fake GPS location.
  • Works with all iOS and Android devices,
  • Allows simulating GPS movement with the route.
  • Works with all location based-apps like Snapchat , Pokemon Go , Bumble , and others.
  • Available for download on Windows and Mac.

You can check out this video for further instruction.

Steps to spoof and set fake location on Android or iPhone using Dr. Fone-Virtual Location

Step 1. Download, install and launch the Dr. Fone software on your Windows or Mac system.

home page

Step 2. On the leading software, tap on the Virtual Location option and then connect your Honor 90 or Android device to your system using a USB cable.

download virtual location and get started

Step 3. Click on the Get Start button.

Step 4. The software will open a new window, and your connected device’s actual location will be shown. If the location is not coming correctly, tap on the Center On icon present in the lower-right of the interface.

virtual location map interface

Step 5. Next, in the upper-right corner, click on the teleport mode icon. Next, enter the desired location at the upper left-hand side that you wish to teleport to. Finally, click on the Go button after entering the site.

search a location on virtual location and go

Step 6. A pop-up box will appear to click on the Move Here button to set the selected location for the connected device. The place will appear on the app interface and the phone.

move here on virtual location

Part 5: People Also ask about Airplane Mode

Q1: Can An iPhone Be Traced While off?

No, it cannot be traced when an iPhone or any other phone is switched off. For example, when an iPhone is switched off, its GPS is not activated, and thus it cannot be traced.

Q2: Does Find My iPhone Work on Airplane Mode?

No, the Find My iPhone feature does not work in Airplane mode because the location services need a network connection, and thus in Airplane mode, the Honor 90 device is offline, and it isn’t easy to track the Honor 90 device.

Q3: Does airplane mode turn off life360

Life360 is a helpful app for tracking your friends, family, and other people. This app tracks your GPS location and displays it to all the selected members in a circle. When the airplane mode on your device is enabled, the network will be disconnected, and thus Life360 will not be able to update your location to the members in the circle. Therefore, during airplane mode, Life360 will not update your site.

Wrap it up

So, it can be concluded that Airplane Mode disconnects you from the cellular network and Wi-Fi. Therefore, to stop getting traced, you need to disable your location services along with the airplane mode. Using Dr.Fone - Virtual Location is an excellent alternative to stop the GPS location as the software will help you set a fake location, and your actual location will remain hidden from all.

Safe downloadsafe & secure

Can Life360 Track You When Your Honor 90 is off?


Did you know that your Honor 90 tracks your location even when turned off? And if you’re a member of any social media network, it means you could be tracked. Do you like to have your privacy? Do you want to protect your kids from being tracked by strangers?

Of course Yes! Well, then you should know that Your Honor 90 can track your movements even when switched off. But is that true?

In the event that you switch off your Honor 90, the GPS function will also be disabled. As a result, it will not be able to determine your position when your Honor 90 is turned off. However, Life360 will continue to provide the most recent location data that was uploaded to your account.

Should we trust Life360, the social media company that recently merged with Google, to protect our privacy? Let’s take a look at the facts.

Part 1: What Is Life360 And How Does It Work?

The one app that kids hate and parents adore is called Life360. Life360 is monitoring software that can be downloaded into your Honor 90 and used by the individuals who are part of your Family Circle to monitor your location and the location of anybody else who is part of your Family Circle.

The app works by sending a request to your cellular carrier to get your location and then sending that information to the Life360 servers. In addition, life360 will store your location and send it to your social networks automatically.

Life360 is not required to track your location, but it is required to send your location to your social networks.

If you want to know more about Life360, check out our Life360 Review.

When it comes to privacy, many people are becoming more aware of how it is being violated. As a result, there’s no need to worry about whether or not the monitoring app in concern is as trustworthy as Life360.

Disconnecting from Life360 is as simple as turning off your Honor 90 and preventing the app from following and reporting your every step. Unfortunately, it also means that no one can see where they are about one another or how long it has been since they last updated their position.

If the necessity ever arose, such an undertaking may be useful for maintaining one’s privacy. However, customers have no idea that Life 360 may still be used to monitor them by other people.

Premium users will still have access to the last 30 days’ worth of location data, so the other person will be able to see where you were last seen.

Part 3: 3 Ways to Stop Life360 from Tracking You

1. Low Data Consumption

Disabling Life360’s Wi-Fi and Data may result in a warning to parents that their children are offline so that they can keep an eye on their kids. Does life 360 drain the battery? Low data mode is a better option for turning off life360 without alerting your parents. Go to the Settings and locate Life360; however, do not deactivate the exact location.

low data consumption

Alternatively, you should disable background app refresh, mobile network, physical activity, and WIFI to save battery life. An issue with your Internet connection will come up instead of location stopped in this situation. So don’t connect to any Wi-Fi at all.

2. Fake Locations

Using location spoofing applications on an Android smartphone, your kids can fool you into thinking they’re somewhere else. Dr.Fone - Virtual Location is a location spoofing application that will trick you into thinking that you are in a different location than you really are. The GPS position of the Honor 90 device will be updated to reflect the new place that you have chosen thanks to the software. It is worth noting that Dr. Fone - Virtual Location for iOS may also enable you to imitate GPS movement.

It has several other noticeable features that can help you in your daily life.

access virtual location feature

3. Setting Wi-Fi and Data Services to “Off.”

Another typical method kids use to prevent their parents from monitoring their position is to disable Life360’s Wi-Fi and Data. It works like this. If you don’t want applications updating in the background, enable power-saving mode.

Use a wired connection. Adolescents can turn off Wi-Fi and data when using the Life360 app on an iPhone. Go to Settings, look for Life360, and disable Cellular Data, Background Refresh, and Motion & Fitness. You’ll be able to keep track of where you are on Life360.

low data consumption

All these methods can be used to Stop Life360 from Tracking You. However, the best all-in-one solution is a third-party application called Dr.Fone. This Virtual Location Software helps you keep your tracking off, but you can also fake your location very easily in minutes.


Can you track a phone if the location is off? Life360 has become a standard feature of many smartphones. Parents often use it to monitor their children’s location. The fact that Life360 can be used to track users is quite disturbing. The good news is that there are ways to stop Life360 from tracking you. The best and all-in-one solution is a third-party application called Dr.Fone - Virtual Location .

Also read:

  • Title: How to Stop My Spouse from Spying on My Honor 90 | Dr.fone
  • Author: Abel
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 03:58:48
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 03:58:48
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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How to Stop My Spouse from Spying on My Honor 90 | Dr.fone