Strategies for Apps That Wont Download From Play Store On Poco C55 | Dr.fone

Strategies for Apps That Wont Download From Play Store On Poco C55 | Dr.fone

Abel Lv11

Strategies for Apps That Won’t Download From Play Store On Poco C55

The frustration of apps not downloading in the Google Play Store can annoy users. A seamless download experience is crucial for user satisfaction and app success. When you encounter such issues, they disrupt the interaction expected from your device.

The inconvenience can impact user trust and the overall perception of an app’s reliability. Addressing these challenges is crucial to maintaining a satisfied user experience and ensuring the success of apps on the platform. Explore the article below to learn what to do when apps not downloading from the Play Store issue appears.

downloading status on phone vector

Part I. 7 Usual Reasons Behind Apps Not Downloading in Google Play Store

The reasons below collectively contribute to the frustration users experience when apps are unable to download from the Play Store:

confused about apps not downloading

Connectivity Issues

Slow or unstable internet connections can interfere with the download process. It often leads to failed or delayed app installations. You will experience frustration when faced with connectivity issues, impacting your ability to access desired apps.

Insufficient Storage

Limited available storage on the Poco C55 device prevents the installation of new apps. Users may find it challenging to manage their storage effectively. It can hinder the expansion of your app library and impact the overall device functionality.

Outdated Play Store Version

Running an outdated version of the Play Store can cause compatibility issues with the newest versions of apps. You’ll miss out on new features and improvements, affecting the overall user experience and the efficiency of the Play Store.

Google Account Authentication Problems

Issues with verifying Google accounts can restrict access to the Play Store. It prevents you from downloading or updating apps. Authentication problems pose a significant barrier, impacting your ability to stay current with app versions.

App Download Restrictions

Device settings or parental controls may impose restrictions on certain app downloads. You may encounter limitations in accessing specific apps. It can affect the Poco C55 device’s versatility.

Incorrect Date and Time Settings

Inaccurate date and time settings on the Poco C55 device can disrupt the Play Store’s functionality. You’ll face obstacles in downloading apps due to authentication errors or syncing issues. It can have a negative impact on the overall user experience.

Play Store Bugs and Glitches

Technical issues within the Play Store, such as bugs or glitches, can lead to failed downloads. You may encounter unexpected errors, causing uncertainty and potential distrust in the reliability of the app platform.

If you encounter any of these issues, having a reliable tool to fix them is essential. Wondershare Dr.Fone - System Repair offers a solution if you cannot download from the Play Store. The platform ensures you can download apps again with a high success rate in minutes.

Part II. Having a Third-Party Tool Is Essential To Safeguard Your Apps

Dr.Fone - System Repair is a dependable alternative offering a comprehensive solution to various Android-related problems. Its key features set it apart, making it an essential asset for users facing app download challenges.

dr.fone main window interface

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Key Features

The summarized points show why Dr.Fone is a flexible and powerful tool for Android users with various phone models.

Supports up to 1000+ Android Models

Dr.Fone System Repair boasts compatibility with a vast range of Android models. It provides a universal solution for users regardless of their device. The extensive support ensures that users with diverse Android devices can rely on the tool for effective issue resolution.

Fixes All Kinds of Android Problems in Minutes

The tool is designed to address a wide array of Android problems. Whether it’s connectivity issues, authentication problems, or glitches within the Play Store, Dr.Fone - System Repair solves these issues within minutes. Its efficiency in tackling diverse problems makes it a valuable asset for users seeking a quick and reliable solution.

High Success Rate Without Data Loss

One of the standout features of Dr.Fone - System Repair is its high success rate in problem resolution without causing data loss. You can have confidence that your apps and important data remain intact throughout the repair process. It ensures a smooth solution and maintains the integrity of the user’s device and data.

When grappling with persistent issues hindering app downloads on the Google Play Store, having a reliable third-party tool becomes essential to safeguard your apps and ensure a seamless user experience. The next section will show you how to use the platform to fix the apps not downloading in the Google Play Store problem.

Part III. First Choice: Use Dr.Fone - System Repair for App Downloading Issues

Using Dr.Fone - System Repair to resolve app downloading issues is straightforward. Here are three simple steps to effectively address app-related challenges:

**Note:**It is highly recommended that you back up your Android data before using Dr.Fone for Android repair.

  • Step 1: Download and install Dr.Fone - System Repair on your computer. Launch the program and select System Repair from the available options.

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  • Step 2: Connect your Poco C55 to the computer using a USB cable. Dr.Fone will detect your device, and you’ll be prompted to choose your device’s type. Select Android Repair.

dr.fone choosing a device type

  • Step 3: Follow the on-screen instructions until the app downloads the correct firmware for your device. As it downloads, Dr.Fone will verify it and put your device details on display. You can install the firmware on your Poco C55 by choosing Fix Now.

dr.fone firmware download successfully

  • Step 4: Initiating the system repair process will be accompanied by a progress bar visible on the screen. Upon completion, a prompt window will emerge, presenting a completion message.

  • If you can download apps successfully, click Doneto close the tool.

  • If the problem persists, select TryAgain to rerun the process.

dr.fone completion message window

If you can’t download Dr.Fone for some reason, you can try these common fixes to try to resolve your app download issues on your device

Part IV. 8 Other Methods of Resolving Common App Downloading Issues

Here are 8 other methods to troubleshoot and resolve common app downloading problems:

Check Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is essential for downloading apps. Do an Internet signal check to ensure you are connected to a reliable Wi-Fi network or have a strong mobile data signal. If the connection is weak, consider switching to a more robust network.

Free Up Storage Space

Insufficient storage on your device can hinder app installations. Navigate to the Poco C55 device settings, access the Storage section, and clear unnecessary files or apps. Creating more space ensures a smoother download experience.

android internal storage menu

Update the Play Store

An outdated Play Store version may lead to compatibility issues. Open the Google Play Store, go to Settings, and tap the Play Store version. If an update is available, install it to ensure compatibility with the latest apps.

updating play store version menu

Clear Play Store Cache and Data

Cached data in the Play Store can sometimes cause download problems. Head to the Poco C55 device settings and open Apps or Application Manager. Locate Google Play Store, and tap Storage. Clear both the cache and data to refresh the app.

clearing device cache and date

Verify Google Account

Authentication issues with your Google account can prevent app downloads. Confirm that your Google account is properly verified. Go to the Poco C55 device settings, select Accounts, and ensure your Google account is active and synced.

syncing google account on device

Check Date and Time Settings

Incorrect date and time settings may disrupt the authentication process. Verify that your device’s date and time are set correctly. Enable automatic date and time settings to ensure accuracy.

android date and time settings

Review Download Restrictions

Device settings or parental controls might impose restrictions on certain app downloads. Examine the download restrictions in the Poco C55 device settings and adjust them accordingly to allow for the installation of desired apps.

download restrictions on android

Restart the Poco C55 device

Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve various issues. Power off your device, wait a few seconds and then power it back on. This can help refresh system processes and eliminate temporary glitches.


Ensuring a smooth app download experience demands attention to various factors. From connectivity to storage management, each step contributes to resolving download challenges. The careful review of date/time settings and download restrictions further enhances the process when you cannot download from the Play Store.

For persistent issues, consider Dr.Fone - System Repair. The app is a viable option, providing a comprehensive approach. Embracing these measures ensures you can easily fix apps that won’t download from the Play Store. Having a reliable tool beside you also fosters an uninterrupted and enjoyable downloading journey from the Play Store.

Super Easy Ways To Deal with Poco C55 Unresponsive Screen

The evolution of smartphones signifies the development of mobile communication technology. Different from the initial years, they are not just used for messaging and calling but have many other applications. Poco C55 cell phones are presently utilized for perusing the Internet and exploring through maps, photography, videography, and numerous other used cases. A development in arranged availability goes hand-in-hand with the development of cell phones.

Poco C55 smartphones are gaining popularity owing to their low costs, high quality, and innovative features. High-resolution cameras, extensive battery life, and lightning-fast processing are just a few of the advantages of these mobile devices. Nevertheless, customers may sometimes need help with issues, such as a non-functioning Poco C55 touchscreen, which may be challenging.

Some common issues might arise for Poco C55 phone users. The Redmi note 4 touch not working is a serious problem. It can only go up to the initialization screen. In this guide, you’ll find the information you need to troubleshoot and fix the most common problems reported by Motorola customers.

What causes a Poco C55 Screen to be unresponsive?

The screen on your Poco C55 phone could stop responding for several reasons. The touchscreen, the system software, or the hardware itself might all be at fault. To effectively address an issue, it is crucial to locate its origins.

The following are some potential reasons for an unresponsive screen on a Poco C55 device, along with descriptions of each.

There are signs of soft bricking

A touch screen not working on Poco C55 smartphones indicates a soft brick (recoverable by firmware update), often caused by a defective or undercharged battery. System file corruption, old firmware, or failed upgrades are all possible causes. Several customers have complained that after installing a software update, their Poco C55 4 or 5 device’s screen became unresponsive and remained at the boot logo.

There might be issues with the Poco C55 device itself

Screens on Poco C55 devices may become unresponsive for a variety of hardware-related reasons. A broken LCD panel, faulty touch sensor, or loosened ribbon wires are all possible causes. Every Poco C55 device, including the Note 4 and 5, is susceptible to these problems.

There might be errors in the updated software

The Android operating system is adjustable. Some of our technological advancements may backfire on us. The phone won’t power on or become stuck in a boot loop where the logo will only show intermittently. For example, some Poco C55 4 and 5 users have reported their screens are unresponsive after a software update, rendering the Poco C55 device unusable.

The common solutions to solve a Poco C55 Screen unresponsive

Could anything be more annoying than a broken touchscreen on your Poco C55 phone? If this happens, the gadget is useless, and you won’t be able to do even the simplest tasks. Even so, it’s common for the screen to cease responding to touches.

Before taking the item in for repairs, see if you can figure out the problem independently. Do you want to learn the method? If the touch screens on your Poco C55 stop working, don’t panic; we’ll teach you exactly what to do.

Solution 1: Try to restart your device

restart your phone

Giving your Poco C55 a restart is one of the most common solutions if you encounter an unresponsive screen on your phone. Here’s how.

Step 1: Press and hold the power button until the screen becomes black;

Step 2: After 1 minute or so, hold the power button again to power on the Poco C55 device.

Solution 2: Check your charging port and battery

xiaomi battery and charger

If the battery of your Poco C55 is empty, your screen is expected to be unresponsive. To fix that, here are some easy steps for you:

  1. Charge your phone.
  2. Leave it for about an hour.
  3. Come back to check. Turn your phone on.
  4. Test if the touchscreen is now working.

Solution 3: Contact Customer Service

xiaomi contact customer service

Let’s assume you’ve applied every possible course of action. For example, your Poco C55 4 touchscreen is still unresponsive. You may contact the brand’s customer support department if you need assistance. When the time comes, they’ll always know what to do.

Based on the customer’s feedback, one of the frequent issues of the Poco C55 is when the screen becomes unresponsive. These issues should not usually happen, but if you find yourself in this dilemma, a list of other solutions below will help you.

Solution 4: Turning on your full screen option offered by MI

full screen options

Steps to activate full screen gestures

Step 1: Browse you setting

Step 2: Search for full screen display

Step 3: From here, tap the screenshot on the right with the toggle labeled Full screen gestures

This may include gestures to get used to but it will also fix when your touchscreen sometimes stops responding.

Solution 5: Backup and Factory Reset is always a choice

factory reset on android

Doing a factory reset may be your last remaining choice if the preceding solutions are unsuccessful. If you do this, all of the information on your phone will be deleted.

Easy Steps in Doing a Factory Reset

  1. Press the power button until the phone shuts down
  2. When your phone shuts down, press and hold the power buttonand Volume down button at the same time until the Android logo displays on the screen.
  3. Recovery Menuwill appear in your screen, press volume down button until Factory reset is highlighted
  4. Press thepower button in selecting the Factory reset option and your phone should restart automatically.

Solution 6: Using Dr. Fone Android Repair Toolkit

dr fone system repair

If you want to fix issues like this, most simply, Dr. Fone offers that. It is made to provide you with a complete mobile solution. You may have your phone fixed without losing any information. Dr. Fone’s many handy tools will quickly get your phone back in working order.

How to avoid a Poco C55 screen unresponsive?

Users may take several precautions to avoid the Poco C55 screen unresponsive problem. Stop using any app stores or other unofficial app providers. There is a risk that doing so may damage your device or introduce viruses that will force your phone to restart. There’s also a risk of losing important information like photos and files.

Regularly updating the Poco C55 phone’s software is necessary to keep it running smoothly and free of issues. Tools like Dr. Fone allow users to periodically maintain and restore data by cleaning the cache and deleting unused applications.

Avoiding severe temperatures and humidity may protect the Poco C55 device’s internal components and keep the screen responsive. Using high-quality charging cords is also recommended. For once, consumers won’t have to worry about breaking the screen because they accidentally dropped their cell phones. If users follow these measures, they may reduce the likelihood that their Poco C55 smartphone will have an unresponsive screen.

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Sometimes, Poco C55 smartphones may experience problems with their screen. This occurs if there is an issue with the functioning of a new app or a software update. Several Poco C55 phone owners have reported problems with an unresponsive screen. However, the remedies outlined here should help you quickly and efficiently fix the issue and get your phone back up and running. Keep your phone updated, and remember to back up your data often to avoid this problem in the future.

When following the directions, the user may require more research into some troubleshooting techniques. If this is the case, Dr.Fone Repair is usually the solution. The fact that Dr. Fone can continually tweak his system of unresponsive screens is wonderful news. This helpful tool can fix both black screens and endless starting cycles. That’s why it’s an integral part of every modern computer.

Best Methods for Poco C55 Won’t Turn On

The Poco C55 3 boasts numerous impressive features, making it a desirable phone. However, occasional malfunctions can result in the Poco C55 3 won’t turn on issue. This issue can be incredibly frustrating. Don’t panic if you encounter this issue! There exist solutions to rectify it. This comprehensive guide aims to assist you in diagnosing and resolving the problem.

It will offer both basic steps and advanced techniques. With clear instructions and insightful tips, we’ll help troubleshoot your Poco C55 3. Should you encounter this setback, follow this guide diligently to revive your Poco C55 3 and have it up and running again.

Scenario 1. Phone Not Charged

A Poco C55 4 not turning on might simply be a victim of a drained battery due to lack of charging. Several factors could lead to this, including a damaged charging cable or adapter. Moreover, issues with the power source or a malfunctioning charging port can be the issue.

Reason 1. Damaged Charging Cable or Adapter

Solution: Replace the charging cable or adapter with a known working one. Try using a different USB-C cable and adapter to ensure it’s not a faulty connection.

damaged charging cable

Reason 2. Faulty Power Source

Solution: Verify the power source by trying different outlets or USB ports. Ensure the power source is functional by testing it with another device.

power source issues

Reason 3. Charging Port Issues

Solution: Check the charging port thoroughly to identify any dirt, debris, or signs of damage. Gently clean the port using compressed air or a small brush. If there’s visible damage, consider professional repair services.

charging port issues google pixel

Scenario 2. Check for Damages

Sometimes, a Poco C55 3 might not turn on due to physical damage incurred by the Poco C55 device. Instances such as accidental drops, exposure to water or moisture, or even hardware malfunctions can be the reason. These can cause visible or invisible damage, leading to Poco C55 4 won’t turn on.

Reason 1. Physical Impact or Dropping

Solution: If the Poco C55 3 has experienced a significant impact or drop, inspect the exterior for any visible damage. A cracked screen or internal hardware issue might prevent the Poco C55 device from turning on. Consider professional repair services if necessary.

google pixel physical damage

Reason 2. Water or Moisture Exposure

Solution: If the Poco C55 3 has been exposed to water or moisture, immediately turn it off. Moreover, do not attempt to power it on. Place the Poco C55 device in a bowl of uncooked rice or silica gel packets to help absorb moisture. Alternatively, use a vacuum or hairdryer in a cool setting to draw out moisture. It’s crucial to let the Poco C55 device dry completely before attempting to power it on.

google pixel water damage

Reason 3. Hardware Malfunction

Solution: Check for any hardware malfunction symptoms such as overheating , unusual sounds, or a burnt smell. If any such signs are evident, refrain from attempting to turn on the Poco C55 device. You should seek professional assistance from authorized service centers.

google pixel hardware malfunction

Scenario 3. Buggy Android Smartphone

An Android smartphone, including the Poco C55 3 XL, can encounter situations where the OS becomes extremely buggy. It leads to various issues, such as the Poco C55 3 XL won’t turn on or getting stuck in a boot loop . Software glitches, corrupted system files, or incompatible apps can contribute to such problems.

Reason 1. Device Stuck in the Boot Loop

Solution: Try initiating a force restart to help fix this issue. You can do that by pressing and holding the “Power” and “Volume Up” keys at the same time for 10 seconds.

google pixel device stuck boot loop

Reason 2. Software Glitches or System Crash

Solution: If encountering issues with the Poco C55 device not powering on because of software glitches or a system crash, try initiating Safe Mode by simultaneously pressing and holding the ‘Power’ button along with a Volume key. This action will cause the Power menu to be displayed. Here, tap and hold the “Power off” for a while and tap “OK” once the Safe Mode prompt appears.

put google pixel in safe mode

Scenario 4. System Glitches? Try Wondershare Dr.Fone as a Prioritized Solution

If you have attempted the solutions mentioned above without success, it is essential to explore a more robust option. This is important if the issue seems to be a major software problem that cannot be resolved using basic troubleshooting methods. In such cases, Wondershare Dr.Fone – System Repair emerges as a viable solution. Besides, It is a perfect fit to address the “Poco C55 4 Not Turning On“ issue effectively.

Dr.Fone is designed to tackle various repairing problems that occur in Android devices. With its comprehensive setup, it can effectively address errors related to the Poco C55. These measures are aligned to meet the specific requirements of your device. This is helpful in minimizing the time needed for troubleshooting.

Key Features of Wondershare Dr.Fone

  1. Fone allows you to repair the Android device with just a few clicks. By following the on-screen instructions, you can complete the whole process conveniently.
  2. It fixes all Android-related problems, including the Black screen of death , the Play Store not working, and more.
  3. This tool is compatible with all the mainstream Poco C55 models, including the latest ones.

Steps Required To Resolve System Glitches via Wondershare Dr.Fone – System Repair

Now, we’ll provide you with a guide to resolve the Not Turning On issue of your Poco C55. Go through the steps mentioned below to use Dr.Fone for the repair process.

  • Step 1: Open Dr.Fone and Access System Repair Tool

Starting with, you will have to activate Dr.Fone on your computer and head to the “Toolbar” panel on the left of the window. From there, navigate to the “System Repair” tool and continue with the “Android” device to proceed with the repair process.

launch dr fone android repair

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  • Step 2: Start Android System Repair

In the next step, choose the “Start” button that appears, by which your device will be recognized. You have to put in the “Name, Model, Country, and Carrier” details of the Poco C55 device and hit the “Next” option. Then, you need to put your Poco C55 on Download Mode following the on-screen instructions.

set device properties and proceed

  • Step 3: Utilize the Firmware

Afterward, the firmware will start to download automatically once the Poco C55 device enters a Download Mode. You need to select the “Fix Now” button and continue typing in a “000000” code. Then, proceed with the “Confirm” option to install the firmware on your device.

confirm firmware installation

  • Step 4: End the System Repair of Android

Lastly, the repair process will get started and can be viewed in a progress bar. Once it ends, hit the “Done” button to conclude the activity, and check your device to see if it starts properly.

repair android device successfully

Scenario 5. Need for a Power Cycle

At times, an Android device, including the Poco C55 3/4, might benefit from a power cycle procedure. This process involves completely refreshing the Poco C55 device’s system. It potentially my Poco C55 3 won’t turn on issues, temporary bugs, or system hang-ups. These issues prevent the Poco C55 device from turning on or functioning properly.

Reason 1. System Freeze or Unresponsive Device

Solution: If the Poco C55 3/4 is unresponsive or frozen, perform a forced restart by holding down the “Power” and “Volume Up” for about 10 seconds. This action should force the Poco C55 device to shut down and reboot, potentially resolving the issue.

perform power cycle google pixel

Reason 2. Battery Optimization and Refreshment

Solution: Sometimes, a power cycle helps optimize the Poco C55 device’s battery performance and refreshes the system. Allow the Poco C55 3/4 to completely power down, charge it for at least 30 minutes, then attempt to turn it on.

Reason 3. Software Hang-Up or Temporary Glitch

Solution. To shut down your Poco C55 3/4, press and hold the power button, then choose ‘Power Off’ from the menu that appears. After the Poco C55 device powers down, wait for about 30 seconds to 1 minute to ensure it has fully shut down before moving forward. Subsequently, press and hold the power button until the Google logo displays to restart your device.

Scenario 6. Software Damaged? Restore Immediately

When an Android device experiences severe software damage, it can lead to major issues like the Poco C55 3 won’t turn on. This can hinder the functionality of the Poco C55 device. It also includes the inability to turn on or persistent system malfunctions. In such cases, performing a complete phone restore becomes a necessary solution:

Reason 1. Corrupted System Files or Firmware Issues

Solution. In cases of severe software damage or corruption of system files, performing a settings reset becomes imperative. It is to restore the Poco C55 device to its default settings and resolve underlying issues.

reset settings google pixel

Reason 2. Factory Reset as a Solution

Performing a factory reset serves as the ultimate solution. This is true when facing critical software damage that leads to a non-responsive Poco C55 3/4. This process erases all user data, apps, settings, and files stored on the Poco C55 device, reverting it to its original factory state.

Steps To Perform a Factory Reset on Poco C55 3/4

  • Step 1. Access the “Settings” application on your Poco C55 3/4. Then, navigate through the menu until you locate the “System” category located further down the list. Within the “System” settings, tap the last option named “Reset Options.”

open system settings google pixel

  • Step 2. On the following screen, press the “Erase All Data (Factory Reset)” option. Afterward, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

factory reset google pixel

Scenario 7. Phone Hangs on Installed App

There are scenarios where a phone, like the Poco C55 3, hangs or gets stuck on a specific installed app. It happens during the startup process, and it can prevent the Poco C55 device from turning on properly. This issue often arises due to a malfunctioning or poorly coded app. This app disrupts the Poco C55 device’s startup routine, causing Poco C55 4 won’t turn on.

Reason 1. Third-Party Apps Interference

Solution: Start by booting the Poco C55 3 into Safe Mode. This mode disables third-party apps, allowing you to access the Poco C55 device without interference from downloaded applications.

reboot google pixel to safe mode

Reason 2. Problematic App

Solution: While in Safe Mode, observe if the Poco C55 device boots up properly. If it successfully boots, it suggests that a third-party application is causing the problem. To pinpoint the problematic app, uninstall recently added apps individually and restart the Poco C55 device after each removal. This process helps pinpoint the problematic app causing the hang during startup.

uninstall app in google pixel

Reason 3. Stacked Up App Cache and Data

Solution: If the problematic app is identified, try clearing its cache and data. Go to Settings and then access “Apps.” Within “Apps,” find the Problematic App and tap “Storage & cache.” On the subsequent display, select “Clear cache “ and “Clear storage” to restore the application to its original settings. After restarting the Poco C55 device, verify whether the problem persists.

clear storage and cache

Reason 4. Outdated Application

Solution: If the application is essential, ensure to seek updates within the Google Play Store. Updating the app to its latest version could potentially resolve any compatibility issues. Alternatively, if updates are not available or don’t resolve the problem, consider uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

update app to latest version


In conclusion, this article has aimed to address the perplexing issue of a Poco C55 3 won’t turn on. It offered a range of solutions depending on different underlying reasons. The guide included basic methods like checking for charging issues and examining hardware damage. Moreover, it included advanced techniques like software repair tools such as Wondershare Dr.Fone.

Users are encouraged to follow the step-by-step instructions outlined here. These solutions can serve as effective remedies for resolving the problem. For more in-depth and advanced solutions, considering Dr.Fone stands as a significant option. It offers a robust system repair feature for resolving intricate software-related issues.

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  • Title: Strategies for Apps That Wont Download From Play Store On Poco C55 | Dr.fone
  • Author: Abel
  • Created at : 2024-03-18 17:38:54
  • Updated at : 2024-03-21 16:46:18
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Strategies for Apps That Wont Download From Play Store On Poco C55 | Dr.fone